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  • Your company's outsourced logistics department.

    We are the fractional logistics team you didn't know you needed. You focus on what you do best and remove your logistic headache.
    Contact Us
  • Access premium freight services
    all over the world.

    We know who to speak to for every requirement, so you don't have to!
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Road Transport

UK or international?

Full Load, Part Load or Single Pallets

Air Freight

When it absolutely has to get there!

Sea Freight

The best way of shipping lots of goods a long way!


Tonnes of freight moved


Countries shipped to


Delivery Points


Logistics service

What We Do

Do you have logistics requirements but no dedicated resource?

Intelligent Logistics specialises as acting as your in house logistics specialist.

We take the stress out of logistics which allows your team to do what they are good at.

From one off loads to regular movements, we can help.

Supply Chain Lite

We can manage the logistics of your whole Supply Chain from factory collection, importing, storage, distribution and  though to export.

Staging Post

If you have your day to day logistics in hand but require some specialist resource for a particular element or project then our Staging Post Solution is for you.

More than just Shipping

We are here to help and make logistics as seamless as possible. Whether is it is to set up a new operation of streamline an existing one we can be your guide.

Packaging Solutions

Our team have had careers in both logistics and FMCG goods so we can help design and source all packaging, from product display to safe shipping and everything in between

Logistics Review

We can offer a comprehensive review of your existing  solutions and see where we can optimise and add immediate value back to your bottom line.

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Some customers we have worked with